
All My Blog Posts and Newsletters

Agile is Not About Doing

Agile is Not About Doing

Agile is Not About Doing Doing things like Scrum or Kanban Does Not Make You Agile I’ve come across many people who say they or their company are Agile because they are doing Scrum or Kanban. However, when I dig a little deeper to find out more details, I find...
The Problem with Agile Transformations…

The Problem with Agile Transformations…

The Problem with Agile Transformations   What Management Needs to Consider About Agile Transformations Many Agile transformations are happening in various businesses at the moment. Yes, the current pandemic has sped up the need to transform organizations to be more Agile. But even before COVID-19, I was encountering transformation stories...
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Bad Product Decisions (Part 4 – End)

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Bad Product Decisions (Part 4 – End)

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Bad Product Decisions (Part 4 – End) Part 4 – Dealing with FOMO Through Planning In my last newsletter, I talked about doing a quick dive into data to validate a FOMO-based decision. There’s another way to ensure that you don’t fall into a...
Reflecting on the Law of Two Feet

Reflecting on the Law of Two Feet

Reflecting on the Law of Two Feet I was attending yesterday’s talk on the Agile Virtual Summit. Diana Larsen  was the first speaker, and right of the bat, she informed everyone that she was pivoting her talk. She addressed head-on the current events of the riots in the US resulting...
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Bad Product Decisions (Part 3)

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Bad Product Decisions (Part 3)

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) And Bad Product Decisions Part 3 – Dealing with FOMO Through Data My last newsletter  highlighted that FOMO-based decisions are typically driven by emotion. Most often, these decisions add on to the pile of work that people are currently handling, which then causes stress and...
An Example of Online Collaboration Done Very Well

An Example of Online Collaboration Done Very Well

An Example of Online Collaboration Done Very Well Just because you’re remote doesn’t mean you can’t Collaborate During the early part of the Shelter in Place, I participated in a highly collaborative design sprint exercise. The whole session was online. Since the Agile ideal is face to face, who says...