Apologies, I have not been posting anything the past few weeks. I’ve been hit with a double whammy. One is that I’ve been attending with several engaging webinars and MeetUps. The other is that I’ve had to debug my website. One of the plugin updates caused some javascript problems that prevented me from creating or editing blog posts or pages. I have since disabled the offending plugin while I get support.

Image of DASH Mural

One of the fabulously fun and engaging sessions that kept me busy was the 5-day DASH Demo led byRobert Skrobe. He’s one excellent Design Guru. He created DASH, a mash-up of Alberto Savoia’s pretotyping (see his book, The Right It), his mathematics behind probabilistic success, and Design Sprints. It’s a fantastic way to see if your start-up idea might just fly with actual data to back it up. With DASH, you don’t go entirely with gut feel only – you run a lightweight signal test, get user feedback, and through statistics, see how viable your idea actually is. Doing this can help you decide if your idea is worth pursuing, pivoting, or discarding – depending on the results of the signals.

The five days I spent with a few other participants provided Robert with enough feedback to finalize the Mural templates and the instructions or process of running a DASH. The templates should be out on creative commons soon for people to use.

In the meantime, if you’re interested in seeing what transpired in the five-day session I went through, click on the playlist below (each video in the list is about 1.5 hours long, FYI).

YouTube player


And if you want me to run one with you, please let me know. I’m more than happy to facilitate one with you and your team.​  I just ran a session with a client of mine, and they liked the whole endeavor. We’re now building something out and seeing what the signals return to us.

1 thought on “DASH – A Way to Experiment on the Desirability of an Idea in the Market”

  1. Pingback: Things in 2020 I’m Bringing Into 2021 | JF Unson Consulting

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